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Tips for securing AFG funding for radios
The H6 Tactical Nylon Radio Strap’s military-grade nylon is extractor-washable to remove harmful chemicals
“I don’t think you can ever be prepared for something like this” East Palestine Fire Chief Keith Drabick said about the fiery derailment
The city of Springfield has purchased more than 400 new Motorola radios, as well as a new radio system
Train your incident commanders to use the right technology, in the right place, and to get everyone on scene on the same page
The Demarest Volunteer Fire Department purchased 12 portable radios, which means all 33 volunteers now have their own equipment
KENWOOD Viking’s perpetual software licensing program for fire departments significantly shrinks the costs associated with land mobile radio (LMR) ownership
New technology, like PASS devices, in-mask SCBA TICs and communications must be implemented proactively though incident command
Download this free infographic to learn the results from a recent FireRescue1 survey that exposes interoperability myths
Learn about the results from a recent FireRescue1 survey, which debunked industry misconceptions about interoperability usage among firefighters
An off-duty paramedic used a radio traffic app to update a comment on the Pulse Facebook page throughout the incident
The radio station came to life after a storm severed power and communication between firefighters and the community
A major concern is the unpredictable sound quality of a digital system that could lead to accidents
The APX 8000XE features all-band functionality, Wi-Fi access and an enhanced remote speaker microphone
Here’s what you need to know when specifying a new truck or bringing an old rig’s communication into the 21st century
The suit claims the newly installed digital radios repeatedly knocked firefighters off the air, forcing them to use hand signals
The 19-year-old is accused of taking $7,630.50 worth of radios, shoulder microphones, batteries and chargers
Radio issues on scene prevented crews from spreading the word to other firefighters that there was a hole in the first floor
They found they didn’t have the statutory authority to use county funds to buy and donate items to a non-government entity
An FDNY spokesperson said EMS radio communications work about 70 percent of the time
A department memo issued by Chief Brian Byrd said every firefighter is to leave a burning building if their radios no longer work
The department was awarded $218,850 to buy 43 radios that will allow the fire department to continue communication with area police and aid partners
Chris Coleman, 20, has been charged with more than 20 criminal counts over the last three years, including several for public drunkenness and theft
The man stole the radios while taking a station tour with his family; he said he stole them because he wanted to listen to calls
Epic 3 Radio Interface Voice Communication System allows communications between on-scene firefighters and incident commanders, remote dispatchers and other radio users
Recognize the signs: lessons learned from the Charleston Sofa Super Store fire