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Electrical Burn

Warehouse Point firefighters are using the incident to notify the public of the dangers that can be involved with lithium batteries.
Crewmembers rushed the child to an ambulance and tried to resuscitate her, but she went into cardiac arrest on the way to a hospital
How firefighters should handle a fire in a suspected non-certified building with solar panels
Do you know which precautions to take when responding to these types of incidents?
What firefighters must understand about downed power lines and other energy sources
Tackling questions from the FireRescue1 community about how to best prepare for fires involving this increasingly common technology
The fire chief was surprised to learn nearly 100 tons of lithium batteries were being stored at the location
Captain Richard Birt shares a bread-and-butter approach to mitigating residential structure fires involving solar panel and energy storage systems
In spite of his injuries, the firefighter told bystanders to stay away to avoid injury as he lay tangled in power lines
The firefighters said a hawk clipped a power line on its way back up from catching dinner
Garth Goodwin was working an off-duty job when he came in contact with power lines and fell about 10 feet from a billboard
The man suffered from burns as a result of an electric shock
One firefighter suffered third-degree burns to his foot and the other suffered minor injuries; they’re in stable condition
The men, ages 27 and 31, were rushed to the hospital with electrical burns on their hands