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Video Tips

Video is an essential way to learn fireground tactics. Being able to see the tactic performed in real time offers firefighters another way to absorb the skill. Further, many firefighters learn best through visual and audio instruction, rather than the written word, making video a powerful tool. The FireRescue1 Video Tips resource page offers a variety of videos, many by risk management expert Gordon Graham, detailing safety procedures and offering tactical tips. And don’t miss FireRescue1 original videos, product videos and training videos.

A call to respond to a flaming trash bin may be as simple as it sounds, or it could spread and become a much larger and more difficult blaze to fight
The badge is a widely recognized symbol of authority; it is also a symbol of public faith and trust
The fireground can be a dangerous place for a number of reasons and firearm discharges are one of them
In this video, risk management expert Gordon Graham discusses the importance of first responders staying vigilant to keep themselves protected from COVID and other pathogens
In this tip, Gordon Graham reminds first responders not to go on autopilot when it comes to completing training requirements, because “lives depend on it”
In this tip, Gordon Graham outlines how first responders should communicate when encountering an individual experiencing a mental health crisis
With only 24 hours in the day, effective time management is crucial, especially for public safety; Gordon Graham shares his top tips
Gordon Graham talks about responsibly parking public safety vehicles outside of emergency calls and why firefighters should be aware of parking lawfully
Dashcam video shows two firefighters getting hit by an out-of-control U-Haul trailer
Focuses on mutual safety of firefighters and civilians, situational accuracy, and evidence collection